================= ???this is reality??? ================= produced by BrAiN tEASER/fCO track length : 6:26 this track is dedica- ted to DJ ASRAEL/FR (let's combine equip- ment and produce some nice DRUM&BASS with your AKAI S-3000. This relaxed stuff is also dedicated to some nice girls... -WILD BITCH CATHY -Sandra from Stuttgart -Steffi -Martha -and of course Melanie !!!Special greetz to: COSMiC/RR cause i used some of his Drum- Samps as Multisample Drumkits. Greeeeetz in no order: -the bleeps&klongs Posse from Freiburg -Red Acid Jack -Rob Acid (it's not your style..i no it.) -Bomb-20 -DAC - FALTER (what's up) & the whole fCO-Crew - the motherfuckin gu(a)ys, who do not pay the bill for the Groovy Bytes & Syntax Terror CD's! - the guys who payed! -Jessica (i'll write you in the next days) - Dominik Willms and all people supporting RESONANZ the new Music MAG in Internet - Synapse - Helmut Ebritsch - ABFAHRER.GER - and SILKE (thanx for the vocal) last changes: 09.10.96 (c) BrAiN tEASER '96